弗兰克辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra),这位集歌手、演员、电台、电视节目主持人、唱片公司老板等多重身份的全能娱乐家,受到全球乐迷拥戴及喜爱。当然他最令人称羡的成就还是在他的歌唱事业上。他维持着半个世纪的唱片销售长红,甚至一直到他1998年5月14日辞世后,他所灌录的唱片仍旧是市场上的畅销热卖品。
一首cheek to cheek 堪称经典,曾被翻唱多次,不同版本有着不同的感觉!
heaven, i'm in heaven
and my heart beats so that i can hardly speak
and i seem to find the happiness i seek
when we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
oh, heaven, i'm in heaven
and the cares that hung around me through the week
seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak
when we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
oh, i love to go out fishing
in an ocean or a creek
but it wouldn't thrill me half as much as
dancing cheek to cheek
oh, i love to climb a mountain
and reach the highest peak
but it wouldn't thrill me half as much as
dancing cheek to cheek
won't you come and dance with me
i want my arms about you
the charms about you
will carry me through
to heaven, i'm in heaven
the cares that hung around me through the week
seem to vanish like a gambler's lucky streak
when we're out together dancing cheek to cheek
oh, when we're out together
out together
when we're out together
dancing cheek to cheek
